Virtual Research Seminars on Language Policy and Practices in the Global North and South

18 10 2021
A quick reminder about the second segment of the Virtual Research Seminars on Language Policy and Practices in the Global North and South jointly organised by the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics and the Heritage Linguistics Lab (HerLing), The Netherlands. The seminar series will take place on Wednesdays between 06/10/21 to 15/12/21 (Time Zone is CET). The seminars are open to all researchers as well as master’s and doctoral students with an interest in language policy.
Attached you will find the overall seminar schedule as well as information about the inaugural talk featuring Prof. Bernard Spolsky. The attendees will need to register only ONCE to attend any of the talks. The zoom registration link is as follows:
Please remember that a valid zoom account will be required for registration. If you have any questions, please write to me:
More information below: