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Marcin Opacki

Marcin Opacki. Ph.D. of the Experimental Linguistics LabBasic information

Position: assistant professor

Field: linguistics

Specializations: generative syntax, corpus linguistics, psycholinguistics

E-mail: <marcin.opacki@uw.edu.pl>

Office Address: Faculty of Modern Languages, UW, ul. Dobra 55, 00-312 Warsaw, Poland, Room: 3.237


Academic profile

I am a linguist and an assistant professor at the Faculty of Modern Languages, University of Warsaw. My research interests are founded upon three pillars: theoretical linguistics (syntax and syntactic theories), natural language processing (corpus linguistics), and psycholinguistics (grammaticality judgements, cross-linguistic influence, bilingualism, and SLA).

One can say that I am mainly interested in how linguistic knowledge and linguistic information can be represented through the use of descriptive grammars. I am also interested in rule- and constraint-based systems in general. I consider experimental research a crucial proving ground for linguistic theories, a much needed bridge between the empirical and the rational, hence my participation in the LingLab team.


Research interests

Some overarching questions that define my academic exploits include:

  • How do the various structures (“layers”) of natural language (e.g. syntax, semantics, pragmatics) constrain and regulate each other?
  • What factors contribute to the perception of grammaticality, well-formedness, and acceptability?
  • To what extent are they related to cross-linguistic influence and prior language knowledge?
  • How can we use linguistic theories of grammar to operationalize the abstract structures of natural language for the purpose of linguistic research?
  • How do different methods of operationalization (especially the aforementioned descriptive grammars) influence construct validity?


Past work

Throughout my career as a linguist, I have been involved in several research projects funded by a variety of agencies and consortia. These have included work on the following:


Current work

Currently, I am working on:

  • a corpus-based and psycholinguistic investigation of control and raising phenomena in Polish
  • applications of Generative Pre-trained Transformers in a CLIL-based language classroom
  • a study of the language abilities of children affected by Angelman Syndrome
  • a longitudinal corpus investigation of language learner writing skills
  • a cross-sectional corpus investigation of language change in Polish

Published lab-related work can be found in the publications section of this site, while an up-to-date list of my exploits and employment history is available via the various links below.


Profile links and relevant files

CV Web of Science   Loop profile ORCID SCOPUS Publications (Google Scholar) CLARIN