Online lecture by Professor Annick De Houwer (October 20th)

18 10 2021
Dear colleagues,
We are delighted to invite you to the online lecture by Professor Annick De Houwer (Professor Emerita of Language Acquisition and Multilingualism at the University of Erfurt, Germany; the Director of The Harmonious Bilingualism Network (HaBilNet), sponsored by the College of Intercultural Communication at Rikkyo University, Japan. The lecture will take place on Wednesday, October 20th at 17:00-18:30 (JST). Below you will find the details of the talk (title, abstract, Professor De Houwer’s profile), as well as the registration information.
Open lecture sponsored by the College of Intercultural Communication, Rikkyo University
Title: Supporting Harmonious Bilingualism through language choice, input, and discourse strategies in bilingual families
Speaker: Annick De Houwer, Ph.D. Professor Emerita of Language Acquisition and Multilingualism at the University of Erfurt, Germany; the Director of The Harmonious Bilingualism Network (HaBilNet)
Abstract: Most parents raising children in bilingual families want their children to speak both languages, and to speak them well. Many children, however, do not. This negatively affects Harmonious Bilingualism within the family. This talk explains how the combined influence of language choice patterns, input characteristics, and discourse strategies used by parents can increase their children’s chances of speaking two languages within the family and thus contribute to Harmonious Bilingualism.
Time: Wednesday, October 20th 2021 JST 17:00-18:30
Location: Online (Zoom)
Language: English
Registration: Please register from the following link by October 18:
You will receive the zoom link to the meeting by October 19.
Lecturer Profile:
ANNICK DE HOUWER is Director of the Harmonious Bilingualism Network (HaBilNet; She was trained in linguistics at several Belgian universities and at Stanford University (the latter on a Fulbright scholarship). She held professorial positions at the universities of Antwerp and Brussels in Belgium and at the University of Erfurt in Germany. She also held research positions at the Belgian National Science Foundation and was a Research Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies (NIAS). In the United States, she has been affiliated with the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and was a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University, Carnegie Mellon University, the University at Buffalo, and the University of Virginia. De Houwer’s research has focused on bilingual and monolingual children’s language development. Her research addresses not only linguistic aspects of language development, but also socio-psychological aspects. She has also studied attitudes towards child language, intra-linguistic subtitling on television, and has carried out a macro-sociological survey of home language use involving 75,000 participants. She has served as series editor of Trends in Language Acquisition Research and IMPACT: Studies of Language in Society and has co-edited several books, most recently The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingualism. She is the author of The Acquisition of Two Languages from Birth: A Case Study; Bilingual First Language Acquisition, An Introduction to Bilingual Development, and Bilingual Development in Childhood. She has served in various professional organizations such as the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA). She is currently the President of the International Association for the Study of Child Language (IASCL).