An open lecture by Prof. Ellen Bialystok on “How Bilingualism Changes Minds”

18 10 2021
The Faculty of English at the Adam Mickiewicz Univeristy in Poznań would like to invite you to an open lecture by Prof. Ellen Bialystok on “How Bilingualism Changes Minds” to be held online on 21st October at 6 pm CET. This will be the inaugural lecture of the IAS Invited Lecture Series in Bilingualism and Multilingualism organised in 2021-22 by the Faculty of English and Bilingualism Matters@Poznań and convened by prof. Magdalena Wrembel and prof. Anna Ewert.
Prof. Ellen Bialystok “How Bilingualism Changes Minds”
Abstract: All our experiences contribute to the way our minds and brains develop, but intense experiences have a special role in shaping our cognitive systems. No experience is more intense than our use of language, so a lifetime of learning and using two languages has the potential to leave a profound mark on human cognition. This talk will review evidence from across the lifespan showing how bilingualism leads to modifications in brain structure and cognitive processes.
The lecture will be held on Zoom. Please register at to receive the link to the online meeting.